Friday, May 16, 2008

so i got this e mail yesterday. you know the kind...

 so i got this e mail yesterday. you know the kind...

Well, it's final. Gay couples can now officially marry in the state of California. The ban was lifted on gay marriages today. And yes, their staunchest supporters were in the streets hugging and kissing publicly.

Among all of the other tragedies in the world this week, this must grieve the Lord the most. Our nation is fallen, and has fallen. A once great nation were we...

i have to say, this was a tough one for me to swallow. i mean, i get my fare share of "Christian" e-mails that tend to be diatribes about the latest and most horrific ills in the world. you would think that i would be used to them by now; the 'W' rants, the 'Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist extremist' lies, the 'pass along to 10 other people and they will be blessed' forwards, etc. you would think i would be numb to it all. this one though, struck a chord. (i only included a portion for our discussion)

among all the other tragedies in the world this week, this one must grieve the Lord the most.

lets just take a moment and consider those other tragedies. a hundred thousand dead in Myanmar, and many more missing. another cyclone bearing down on this already grief stricken country filled with people who may not know HIM. some forty thousand people dead in China. bodies lining the streets, entire schools caved in killing hundreds of children, many more homeless, parents worried  about how they are going to feed their children.

to compare what happened in california to these tragedies is simply astonishing. to think God is grieved more over some piece of legislation than these calamities is ludicrous.

why are gay marriages particularly worthy of our mourning? is this human condition some how any worse than the many others that plague us? do we mourn the same over the thousands of people in this country who drink away their sorrows every night?  do we mourn the same over the self absorbed who run to cosmetic surgery to cure their insecurities? do we mourn the 'self medicating', or the 'dollar worshipping yuppie', or the dead beat parents, or the corrupt politicians, or 'fill in the blank here of the many things that we could list'?

for the record i think GOD heavily grieved the losses in Myanmar and China this week. i believe He wept over so many that are experiencing the effects of sin death. i believe HE cries for the beautiful people without food, water, and shelter. does He weep for california and our country. i believe HE does, but it is not over what you might think.

He grieves in california and in the rest of the U.S. for HIS people. HIS people that fail to see who HE is and what HE wants to do. HIS people who cry foul over laws passed in california, but sit idle as a world away is broken. HE grieves as HIS people collect their stimulus checks from the good ol' US of A, and watch charlie gibson report on the tragedies on the  new flat screens TV's they just bought. HE grieves over so many who call themselves HIS followers but cannot even apply HIS only sermon to their lives. He grieves over those who forgot that love is the greatest commandment. He grieves over those who have never allowed HIS beauty to be fulfilled in them so that that beauty can be displayed to a world of shadow and darkness.

HE grieves.

Peter once said that 'judgment begins with the house of GOD'. may HE judge us and refine HIS church. may HE have mercy on our souls.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

thoughts on base camp

saturday was our first base camp at the church (TCOW/citichurch). this is a leadership gathering that will take place every 1st saturday. it is designed to better communicate our vision and strategy as we participate in the missio dei here in chicago. here are a few thoughts from saturday:

- great attendance! we had around 67 people show up. it is exciting to see what GOD is beginning to assemble.

- pancakes were fun... nothing like food to bring people together

- the people of our church are amazing... wonderfully gifted and talented individuals. GOD is assembling quite a team.

- talking vision gets me fired up... it reminds me of why i do what i do.

- talking vision makes me grateful... it allows me to see what GOD has already done.

- talking vision stirs my faith... it helps me dream big, knowing that we have a big GOD.

- it was neat to see our two sites interact... we need more of this, to communicate one church, two neighborhoods.

- our team did a great job.

- it is only going to get better... i am already getting excited for our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th camp! i know GOD is really going to use this for HIS glory.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

bloggin' baby!

so... i am taking the plunge. i have been trying to push off this day for some time; the day i entered the blog world. blogging just felt kinda strange to me. i mean, who has time to write all these silly things? also, who really cares what i have to say? well, both of those statements phrased like questions may be true, but we are gonna take a stab at this thing and see how it goes. 

maybe it will be a good place for me to work some things out that are going on inside this noggin' of mine. maybe it will be a symphony of wisdom, or a gourmet buffet of astute life-changing observations. then again, maybe it will just be some rambling non-sense...  (case in point)

nevertheless, blog world here i am! open your arms and welcome this baby covered in amniotic fluid! just be careful not to spank too hard :-)